Entering therapy without an assessment is like finding your way out of a forest without a map. Possible, but not efficient and perhaps more difficult than it needs to be.
You are an individual with significant experiences, viewpoints, strengths and challenges. Our initial assessment gives us a sense of these areas, which we use to inform our recommendations to you and our tentative roadmap of therapy. That being said, an initial assessment does not provide us with everything we need to know, so we treat assessment as an ongoing process. It continues as we proceed through therapy as we get to know you better.
Our assessment ranges from an intake interview to comprehensive assessment involving testing, depending on your particular needs.
We are highly trained professionals with backgrounds in research and extensive clinical training. We use this knowledge base to help us select assessment methods and psychological testing, if needed, to inform our assessment procedures. We continue to digest new research and integrate this information as needed to continually refine and evolve our methods.
Depending on the type of assessment required, our process can range from a single intake interview to a multi-session process involving testing, obtaining collaborative information and reviewing important documents pertaining to your health. The most common types of assessment we provide are discussed below.
This is usually the most common type of assessment for our patients. It is typically a 90 minute semi-structured diagnostic interview with additional components reviewing your background and history. This intake helps us to understand what are your most pressing difficulties, usually the ones that are impacting your daily life and causing distress. In the case of multiple difficulties, an intake helps us to strategize how these will be addressed as we enter therapy.
For injured workers enrolled in WSIB's Community Mental Health Program (CMHP), we provide an assessment integrated with testing to review the details pertaining to your workplace injury and the difficulties you experienced in the aftermath of your injury. This assessment includes learning more about your work tasks and any barriers towards a potential return-to-work.
We have been approached by many individuals who wish to get a better understanding of themselves, their dispositions, temperaments and tendencies. The exact nature of the assessment can be tweaked depending on one's interest for this assessment, but can include personality structure, thinking styles, emotional and behavioural tendencies, interpersonal dynamics, strengths and values.
Many times when individuals have multiple and/or longstanding difficulties, often complicated by stressful life events, it can cause significant confusion about the nature of their symptoms. We have a strong background in complex diagnostic presentations and we can help give you a framework for understanding your difficulties as well as provide treatment recommendations that are based on our findings. Please contact us to see if this is an appropriate option for you.