Tag: virtual therapy ontario

ARTICLES / November 10, 2023

The Paradox of Comfort: Why Depression Can Feel Like Home

Depression can feel like a dark cloud that colours how one sees themselves, others and the world around them. As heavy and bleak as it can feel, for some it can also surprisingly feel like a comfortable space. This is especially true when someone has struggled with depression for a long time. This can feel […]


ARTICLES / June 30, 2023

The Window of Tolerance

The Window of Tolerance was a concept developed by psychiatrist Dr. Dan Siegel as a way to understand trauma and stress. It refers to the zone of “arousal” within which an individual can effectively cope with and respond to stressors and challenges in their environment. When you are within your window of tolerance, you are […]


ARTICLES,Diversity and Mental Health / March 08, 2023

Why Indigenous Women Need to Be a Focus When Talking about Domestic Violence in Canada

When discussing domestic or intimate partner violence and abuse, it is essential to highlight the unique risks that Indigenous women in this country face. The impacts of violence and abuse against women are wide ranging and certainly impact mental health and wellness. Access to psychological treatment both in-person and virtually are needed as well as […]